Bounty Up is an interesting new service.
- State your goal
- Name your price
- Set the rules
- Bring your friends
- Claim the prize
As an example, one project is to create an application that will take your iPhoto albums and upload them to flickr as photo sets. Add a photo to an album and the software adds that photo to the flickr set.
If that idea interests you, you can donate some money to the cause via PayPal. When someone creates an application that meets the criteria, they claim all the money donated. If nobody creates the app, the money goes back to the donators.
Other examples include everything from finding a cure for breast cancer to funding a family vacation. Bounty Up takes 0.5% of the bounties on charitable bounties and 2% on other bounties.
I don't know if they'll be successful, but I thought it was an interesting idea.